Monday, January 23, 2012

The roller coaster ride still continues.  Things are still moving forward with the ice cream shop.  I attended another ice cream convention this weekend (who knew these types of conferences even existed??!!!) and it was very helpful and I had a meeting with an ice cream distributor that I really want to work with.  I even met the owner of the company.  The week after next I'll meet him up at the shop so we can go through the stores layout and he'll help us get ready to open. I also met some good supplier connections, and met more local shop owners. 

It's an interesting industry, this ice cream-thing.  Most of the shops are family owned/run, which means that the interactions are less structured and more friendly.  The other nice thing is that as long as you're not with 10 - 15 miles of each other, then you are not considered competition so people are more than happy to share with you what they've learned.  In fact in two weeks M and I are going to spend the day at a local shop so he can go through the in-and-outs of operating an ice cream shop.

I also belong to a few Yahoo groups, and a Facebook group of shop owners, and they are a wealth of knowledge. Once again more than willing to share everything, from hot fudge recipes, to how to clean a soft serve machine, to listing where to buy supplies. 

So it continues to be exciting  and quite a learning experience, but the money-thing can be overwhelming at times.  It's scary to think how much we (I??) are willing to put on the line.  We are a middle-aged couple with a young child, what are we thinking?  What am I thinking???

I'm gonna quit a pretty well paying position, with benefits, health coverage, and stock options, to scoop ice cream?  Seriously??

And then are times where I'm so excited by the challenge.  I'm back to reading books about customer service (I just started readying Positively Outrageous Service). I even stole an Inc. Magazine from the doctor's office because it has great articles for entrepreneurs.  I loved being at the conference over the weekend.  I enjoyed talking to other owners and then working with the suppliers.  The opportunity to be my own boss and to run our own place is intoxicating.  And then hopefully being in a position to maybe help others or make an impact on the community is an awesome thought. 

I have so many thoughts on how to grow this business, and have fun and make a difference all at the same time.  I know it may seem crazy, but I also know it's something I have to do....hopefully even meant to do.

And then there's therapy....

This is more of a ramble, and not quite coherent, but I just need to throw it out there for now.

Why do I not want L to think I'm ok? I get something from it, but what? Can we not have a deep connection if I'm happy? Is being or acting depressed a way to get attention?  Or maybe I'm just used to feeling that way, it's my comfort zone. 


  1. I don't know what the answer is for you, but I know I had the same thing happen with me. Mine was more that I would hide good things from her because it made me cringe when she was happy for me. For example, I joined a DBT group and didn't tell her for months.

  2. Thanks JBR and nofamiliarscars, your support truly means a lot.

  3. I always thought it was fantastic to learn about the company in which I worked, it didn't feel like work at all! I was able to travel a bit (not normal for others in my position at other locations) to train employees - it was the best part! I'm so glad you find the business so thrilling ... it says that you've found something your passionate about!

    As for your last paragraph, I've got an answer (but it may just be me, so take it lightly)! I feel like if my therapist knows that I'm okay, she'll think I need her less or she'll think that I don't need therapy as much or anymore. Logically, I understand that's not the way it works, but it still gets me to think that. I thought exactly like you are the other day ... and found myself in a crappy (pardon my language) mood because I knew that's how she expected me to be. I don't know ... perhaps we should ask and reconvene!

  4. Amanda, at times I think I feel the same way, if she thinks I'm better she won't let me see her any more. But I think for me there's also something about being noticed, I guess that's maybe where the 'attention' stuff comes from. And sometimes I think I just over analyze too much!
